How do compressed natural gas stations operate?

The demand for natural gas in the world continues to increase as it is a great energy alternative that offers a lower cost and reduces ecological effects, compared to other fossil fuels. Currently the main source of natural gas in our country is imports, and it continues to be cheaper than extraction.

In addition, the supply can be considered guaranteed for a long period of time, since the proven reserves that Mexico has is close to 280 billion cubic meters, which alone allows ensuring the supply for at least 30 years, which are added to imported gas.

To allow it to be transported through pipelines, natural gas is injected at high pressure into the pipeline system to ensure that it reaches its path. In case the distance is very great, the progressive pressure loss makes it necessary to install a gas compression station.

In these stations, the pressure of natural gas is increased to keep it at the level necessary for its continuous transportation, maintaining constant supervision and operating with automatic systems to regulate the pressure of the gas pipeline. Being of vital importance, compressor stations must have protection systems.

Due to the high pressure at which natural gas is transported, a method is necessary to reduce it to allow its use. The decompression stations that reduce the pressure of the natural gas to between 2 and 4 bar outlets come into operation here.

All decompression stations must have autonomous safety, regulation, starting and stopping mechanisms to ensure continuous operation and supply, protecting equipment and operators, without requiring human intervention, except to monitor parameters or in case of any contingency in which it is due. perform a manual stop.

Tectuus offers comprehensive solutions for the control and security needs in supply, compression, decompression and monitoring of vehicular and industrial natural gas, for manufacturers or end users. Contact us and discover how to have a tailored system that improves the competitiveness of your business. We know what works and how it works!